...and as I return from France , rounder round the hips of course, (they eat carbs down under, you know?) and smelling a lot more like Jean Paul Gaultier than 'fish and chips' I feel already light headed...mmm...something to do with the cheese? (NO - fat is beautiful!)...or maybe with the pain au chocolat consumed in huge amounts every morning (pain through chocolate?: NEVER!) ...so it must be the number of miles from Chateau Lez-Eaux, Normandy to London via the P&O wobbly ferry (driving on the wrong side of the road never helps!)....or no, no, no...let's be honest here: it has got to be the wine - and in France the cheaper the better 'vin de table rouge'...gimmie gimmie gimmie...and they did...for about 1 euro/ bottle (funny that, as they charge 50 cents for using the toilets in some restaurants with lights on sensors on/ off)...
...so I could not resist filming myself and my best friend Patsy trying the 'crem de la crem' of French wine and its consequences...
sweety darlings, je ne regrette rien....
someone has to tell you, when you taste, you don't have to swallow :|
I'll take this one :))))
well, Miju (is that a name?!?) the 'when you taste you don't have to swallow' sounds like a rule...I don't do rules...not even on holiday...:P
glad you took it..;)
da, Miju e un diminutiv rostit mai printre dinti, vine de la Mihai>Misu... etc.
ma refeream doar la degustare(cea din clipul celor de la AbFab), chestie care nici mie nu-mi iese decat foarte rar. adica sa gust doar
oh, da, aici degustarea vinului se invata in clasele primare si se continua pina cind te plictisesti si incepi sa bei vin cu paiul..:P nu ne ramine decit sa incercam, over and over again, pina cind vom invata sa scuipam vinul la momentul potrivit ori niciodata..in plus, volanul va fi mereu de cealalta parte a masinii dupa degustari...
ok, Miju?:P
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