Friday, July 27, 2012

Lady of the rings

the world is pouring into you
a waterfall
a rush
a once in a lifetime
you drink your usual earl grey

milk, no sugar
under a pile of clouds
you feed your pigeons in squares
and think:
am I too old for this
what shall I wear tonight?

your streets are blushing with joy
like the cheeks of a woman in love
I too am in your blood,
a cocktail of sounds,
I hold a little boy’s hand
and in his eyes,
two blue wide screens,
you slowly open up your robes
and wave

turn, turn,
uncover your veils
let us see
the face of the bride of the Earth
walking towards the altar
with a torch in her heart,
and five rings on her finger

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Şi iată cum..

dis de dimineață
soarele își gîdilă ceața cu limba
apoi se chircește în cer
așteptînd ca tu
să-ți plimbi degetul mic peste litere

buzele sorb cafeaua
mai neagră decît doliul femeilor 
și se deschid în cel mai frumos zîmbet
spre răsărit 
vindecînd subit frica de cancer

galopînd spre prăpăstii, neîncetat,
lumea e același bizon
privit de sub un maldăr de cărți
însă tu găsești mereu un motiv
să mă ierți 
că te iubesc mai puțin decît mîine

vîntul ce-ți mîngîie fruntea e un taifun căzut în genunchi
în jurul fîntînii copiii se țin din nou de mînă 
adăpîndu-ne ochii și-ntre tîmple
un tumăfacifericit
se zbate
precum un Adonis albastru

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


for better for worse
the club of Christian happiness is now open
patients are granted a place in heaven
dead or alive
the pharmacies are closed
doctors grope their nurses in utility rooms
and paramedics race each other on the motorways
no tires spared
no lives to spare
the morphine of happilyeverafter has cured
all dead men walking


your slippers on
remove your needles the plasters the bandages the tubes
[they’re all in your head]
lift your knee, now the other,
and again
and again
does it hurt?
'the pain doesn't go away, you just make room for it'*
keep eyes forward
I’m here, by the lifts
I pressed the button
we’re going down, baby,
way down

put your hand up
right up
laugh and show death the finger
(not that one, silly, the middle one!)
what now?
now we walk out through the double doors,
rip off our gowns, our labels, our old selves
we make snow angels in the grass
do the dirty in the pool of love

*quote from The Walking Dead